Vielleicht muss ich wirklich mal ein Rennrad fahren (klarer Fall von n+1)

Uff.. ja irgendwie gab es bisher sehr wenig Bike-Content hier. Und da danach gefragt wurde, schreib ich mal was zu meinem neuesten Rad. :) Also.. Seitdem es mich Anfang 2020 ins Homeoffice verschlagen hatte, bin ich unter der Woche erheblich weniger Rad gefahren als die Jahre davor. Als Ausgleich bin ich am Wochenende mehr gefahren. Irgendwann sind die Touren leicht eskaliert und es kamen regelmäßig mehr als 100km auf Asphalt oder Schotter zusammen. …

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Java Magazin Article about Event Driven Systems

It happened that I got the offer to write an article series in the German Java Magazin. So, here is the link to the first part:

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XML is not the right Configuration Format for the Cloud Era.

Recently, Nicolas Fränkel published an article highlighting the advantages of XML as a configuration language for server-side (Java) software. Being an XML-veteran like Nicolas I totally understand all of his arguments. However, there is one argument missing which is IMHO the strongest argument why XML is avoided (especially) in cloud software scenarios. One of the big advantages of XML, the possiblity to express a schema for your XML format is at the same time the biggest weakness. …

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CockroachDB Blog Post

Recently I changed my job from synyx Karlsruhe back to the good old SAP headquarters in Walldorf. Since I slowly ramped down my active project work I had the time to write a longer blog post which was then hosted at the Cockroach Labs site. So, if you’re interested in building a application on top of a cloud-native datastore without losing the qualities of a traditional, acid-compliant RDBMs this article is for you. …

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Gnome - Y U No show Snap Apps?!

This behavior has been fixed in the latest version of Ubuntu 20.04. The described fix is not needed anymore. After a short affair with Fedora 31 I recently switched to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Since I cannot stand the purple color and the overall look and feel of the Ubuntu Gnome Theme I switched to the Vanilla Gnome desktop shortly after install: sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop I use Gnome Software to install my applications. …

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